News Article

Posted on 25 Jul 2019

Please note: this is an old article

It was published in July 2019, so the information may be out-of-date.

Could new technologies make a difference to the management of your farm?

A trial covering the major sectors of dairy, grains, sheep and horticulture is about to begin in Victoria.

 Agriculture Victoria is partnering with farmers and technology providers to investigate how Internet of Things technology can be used to improve farm productivity, sustainability and profitability.

 Funding is available for farmers in the regions around Maffra, Tatura, Serpentin and Birchip to invest in digital technology and get down to the nitty-gritty of what works and what doesn’t, breaking down barriers such as a lack of connectivity, skills and capital to investment.

Farmers can submit their Expression of Interest until 2 August 2019


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