Many new and emerging businesses need a starting point or room to grow.
That's why we provide subsidised premises, advice, services and support to new and emerging businesses, to assist them in becoming established and profitable.
If you're thinking of setting up a new business, or are currently operating a home-based small business, get in touch - we're here to help.
Upcoming Events
Social enterprise start up grant funding
The AMP Tomorrow Makers IGNITE program supports social enterprises in their startup phase through a 12-month grant and capacity development program ensuring… More…
Grants open for music gigs
Local venues - record stores, book shops, community centres, town hall, hospitality venue etc across regional Victoria can apply for grant funding until… More…
DV Alert Training frontline workers
Greater Shepparton frontline workers can attend this two day workshop to recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. More…
2025 Industrial Decarbonisation Summit
This event supports manufacturers and food processors to find practical pathways to industrial decarbonisation. More…
Latest News
Business changes in 2025
A number of changes to the way business operates started from 1 January 2025; the following will help you in your business decision-making. More…
Not for Profit grant opportunities
The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, or FRRR (F-triple-R) for short. The program could support not for profits across Greater Shepparton. More…