Please note: this is an old article
It was published in August 2010, so the information may be out-of-date.
Your business will only ever be as good as the staff who work for you, so how do you go about getting the right staff for your small business?
The Greater Shepparton Business Centre's next August small business seminar, Employing the Right Staff, is all about answering exactly this question.
Business Centre Manager Geoff Hay says when looking to employ staff there are many things to consider and many that businesses just can't afford to get wrong.
"The Employing the Right Staff seminar will outline the important issues that must be addressed when employing staff as well as guiding you through the best practices for ensuring the staff you choose are the right ones for your business," Mr Hay said.
"This seminar will give you an understanding of how to prepare job ads, interview, recruit and the importance of human resource policies and procedures."
Anyone attending this seminar will receive an interactive workbook packed with useful tips, links and strategies including templates and guides to effectively employ and manage staff.
This seminar is for any business owner who is new to employing staff and will be held Wednesday 11 August from 6.00pm-8.00pm at the Greater Shepparton Business Centre, 70 New Dookie Road Shepparton.
Bookings are essential by calling Greater Shepparton Business Centre on 5832 1100.
"As an added bonus, everyone who attends will receive a free voucher to the next seminar ‘Keeping the Right Staff', held the following week," Mr Hay said.
The Greater Shepparton Business Centre is a Greater Shepparton City Council funded and operated facility.