Please note: this is an old article
It was published in August 2020, so the information may be out-of-date.
GOTAFE are helping to keep businesses within our community safe by offering two free accredited Infection Control Skill Sets.
The new training will be delivered completely online and is tailored specifically toward Infection Control for people currently employed in Victoria in a customer-facing role.
For businesses, the accredited training provides the skills for your staff
to follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures,
including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions
and responding to COVID-19 and other infection risks.
Each skill set will take approximately 25 hours to complete and you can do
this in your own time provided the training is complete within four weeks
from commencement. To be eligible to apply for this free skill set, you must
be currently employed in Victoria in a customer-facing role.
For more information contact Naomi Williams on 0427 302 306 or email